Sunday, March 23, 2008

Spring is here - Happy Easter!

Some of my peas are starting to grow! The green fencing is my latest scheme to protect the garden from the neighbor's cat.

And these are Arugula - I think more than I will need.

Some beets and radishes are coming along slowly.

The Hyacinths are doing great!

The Raspberries aren't dead after all!

The tulips will be open by next week I think.

These are all going to be red tulips.

The rhubarb is coming back to life.

I hope the Lilac has lots of blooms this year.

Sunday, March 9, 2008


The arugula is still growing even though it got down to 30 over night last week.

I only have two daffodils this year. I might need to plant more bulbs.
I decided that there was enough green showing on the lavender so I decided to cut it back for new growth.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

White Crocuses

Now the white crocuses are joining in.
I don't have many daffodils but the ones I have are almost ready to bloom. There are a ton of these at Greenlake park.
The hyacinth is next - it will really feel like spring when these bloom.
Some of the Arugula are up!
This is my defense against the neighbor cat. I think the people walking down the street must think I've gone off of my rocker. The yellow stuff is grapefruit. I read on the Internet that cats don't like citrus.