Sunday, July 20, 2008

Zucchini blooms

P7200142  The zucchinis have bloomsP7200145

My sunflowers are getting much taller.P7200144

This corn is pathetic.  I heard it should be as tall as an elephant's eye by the fourth of July - I had always thought it was "knee high by the fourth of July" - either way it's not even close


Sunflower up close P7200151

New potatoes! Yum!P7200141P7200148 The beans are climbing up P7200150

Simba has to stay in the fenced area.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Summer Flowers

I did a lot of work in the garden today. I trimmed all of the bushes and the trees. I put up a trellis for the beans. Weeded some. I tied up the peas and the eucalyptus. And I ate a bunch of peas and strawberries.


The is the honey suckle vine. Doing well so far.

0Copy of P7120109

The bees love the lavender. All kinds of bees, honey bees, bumble bees, wasps, black bees.

P7120124 Zinnia

0sweetpeaP7120125 My sweat pea flowers are blooming!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Summer Lavender


The lavender is really going strong now.


You can hardly see the garden with everything growing so much.  Even the tree is getting bigger.


Can you see the peas over my head?  I had to jump to reach them.