Here is our little birdee! He comes and sits on the fence and looks both ways and then flies up into the bird house. Mark saw him make about 12 trips to the house with worms in his/her mouth so there must be babies! We think he is a black capped chickadee. We got the bird house two years ago at the street fair but this is the first time we've seen a bird use it. We are so excited. We were almost ready to give up and move the house. We did some research on chickadees: The chickadee makes at least 15 different calls to communicate with its flockmates and offspring. The best known is the chickadee-dee-dee that gives the bird its name. Using this call both male and female chickadees challenge or scold intruders, and send information about the location of food and predators to their partners, their offspring, and members of their flock.
Here is a link to the site Also we found a pdf on how to identify common birds.